I've always liked this bit from William Burroughs on monotheism: http://omniorthogonal.blogspot.com/2009/01/ogu-vs-mu.html

In makes the point is that a God who is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and eternal can't really be an agent in any ordinary sense, can't *act*. In this reading, monotheism is not just authoritarian and univocal, it's incoherent.

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What we have here is quantum philosophy: are we the wave or a bunch of discrete particles. We are both and neither like Schrödinger’s cat who is both alive and dead when hidden only to have its state revealed when observed. My impression is that monotheism abuse occurs when the “truth” is forced onto the closed box. When we open the box or observe the light we can only see one outcome but that outcome is our truth. The next time and by time I mean infinitesimal moment we could have a new observation and presumably a new truth. Knowing this we must accept our absurd situation in which every truth we hold dear is untrue at other times. Back to the topic of monotheism verses poly we can say that these doctrines are totally dependent on the observer and likely have no authentic reality when separated. As the Zohar points out we are constantly attempting to unite Malchut with Tifferet. Dualistic thinking can only be moderated by a third force that is either the result of mixing or an additive that creates a new entity from opposites.

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